The forthcoming elections on Thursday 6th May won’t just decide who continues to run the local services we all care about - it will also be about how we recover and build back better.
Essex Conservatives have delivered for Essex by:
• Supporting families with free meal vouchers and places at children’s activity camps during the school holidays.
• Distributing 5,000 IT devices to assist with digital learning during lock-down and allocating £900,000 to support home learning.
• Allocating £750,000 to the Community Growth Fund for each County Councillor to direct £10,000 to local initiatives, groups and organisations.
• Backing Essex business, supporting them through loans and grants.
• Setting up an independent Climate Change Commission allocating £5,000,000 to take forward its recommendations
Why you should Vote for Jane
Jane believes that Councillors should provide a strong bridge between the community and the Council. As a Maldon District Councillor she has worked closely with and supported her Parish Councils on a range of issues.
Maldon is an historic riverside town, so Jane’s focus will be protecting its historic core and surrounding rural heritage while retaining Maldon’s importance as the centre of the retail, employment, leisure and community functions of the District.
Clean air and safe communities are a priority so Jane welcomes Essex County Council’s increased funding to Local Highways Panels and will push for the implementation of the Market Hill Air Quality Action Plan and for the revitilisation of Maldon High Street post Covid.
As the parent of a school age child, Jane will push for the delivery of additional school places, school building projects and parental choice.