Join us today!!
Become a member of the Conservative Party today
Members play an active role in the Party, and receive important voting rights in Party elections. As a Member, you'll be able to:
- Decide who represents the Party in local, general and European elections
- Vote in elections for the Party Leader and in your local Associations' AGM
- Attend Party Conferences
In addition, you'll receive:
- Access to the "Affinity Programme" which provides great discounts
on a wide range of products - A membership card and welcome booklet
- Regular email updates
- You will automatically become a member of your local branch or a local branch of your choice within the association area.
- Branches hold meetings, political forums and social events
Subject to the application of the rules of the association branches may in certain circumstances select their own candidates for local and district council elections
Becoming a Member costs £25 a year - £15 a year for Armed Forces and £5 a year if you're under 26 years old.
Join as a Friend - donation of your choice (for full voting rights the minimum subscription of £25 is to be paid)
For more information please call the MCCA Office on 01621 855 663